

Can I scrobble to ListenBrainz?

Yes. Please fill out the property listenbrainz.token in

Scrobbling can be turned on / off with listenbrainz.scrobble.

Can I scrobble to

Yes. Please fill out these properties in

Scrobbling can be turned on / off with lastfm.api.scrobble.

How can I load similar tracks from

To just retrieve similar tracks from (without scrobbling what you listen to), you just need set lastfm.api.key in No username, password or api secret needed.

Why are there no covers when I browse my library?

Please make sure you either start ampd with the parameter or add the parameter to the ampd.conf file (see the for examples).

Why are the no covers for the currently played track?

This can happen for multiple reasons:

Do I have to run ampd on the same computer as the mpd server?

No, ampd can run on a separate computer. In this case, the option mpd.server has to be set (either at start via -Dmpd.server= or written down to ampd.conf). There is also the option mpd.port if the mpd server is not running on the default port 6600.