

Starting ampd

To run ampd, just run the jar-file:

java -jar ampd.jar


Please see the default file for settings that can be changed. It's pretty self-explanatory and commented.

There are multiple ways to start ampd with different settings:

Using the -D parameter

To start ampd on a port other than 8080:

java -jar -Dserver.port=8003 ampd.jar

To display album art from the music directory, pass the value of music_directory (from your mpd.conf) to ampd:

java -jar ampd.jar

Writing the setting to

echo "" >>
java -jar ampd.jar

Using the environment variables

MPD_MUSIC_DIRECTORY=/home/foo/music java -jar ampd.jar

If you plan to run ampd as a service behind another webserver, please see


ampd is pretty straightforward and has just four views:


ampd has some shortcuts built in:

Press h to see a list of all shortcuts. Alternatively, click on the question mark-icon in the top right corner.

Importing radio streams

ampd supports the bulk import of radio streams. For that, navigate to the radio streams page under /browse/radio-streams and scroll down to Import radio streams.

From there, select a JSON-file with your streams and upload it.

The JSON-file has to be in this format:

    "name": "radio station 1",
    "url": ""
    "name": "another radio station",
    "url": ""